Monday, September 20, 2010

Mirror Mirror

What a delightful concept! Mirror Mirror is a collection of poetry that centers around fairy tales. What sets this book apart is that every single poem is written in reversible verse meaning that you read it one way, then you flip it and begin at the end of the poem and read it in reverse. Usually the reverse implies a new meaning or makes you think of something in a way you hadn't before. With a few changes in punctuation a whole new poem is born. Take for example The Douubtful Duckling: "Someday I'll turn into a swan. No way I'll stay an ugly duckling, stubby and gray, Plain to see--look at me. A beauty I'll be." Now the reverse: "A beauty I'll be? Look at me--plain to see, stubby and gray. An ugly duckling I'll stay. No way I'll turn into a swan someday." Josee Masse's illustrations also reflect this duality with his colorful bold creations cleverly mirroring the text. Marilyn Singer has started a poetry revolution with the excellent collection surely enticing readers to imitate the style.

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

The "reverso" is so clever! A simple concept but I'm sure hard to pull off well. I grabbed it off the shelf and especially enjoyed the Rapunzel poem and Beauty and the Beast as well. Merci, Fifi! Fifi, Merci!